Message of the Headteacher,
Welcome to the website of Jaintiapur Girls High School,
Jaintapur, Sylhet.
Jaintiapur Girls High School is pioneer of women education and empowerment. It has established in 1989 by the local leaders and philoanthropsts of women education in Jaintapur Upozila. After establishment Jaintiapur Girls High School achieved good result in various public examination like J.S.C and S.S.C every year. The students of this school play an important role in the cultural activities. Ex-students of the is school play significant role in various sector of sylhet division. The S.M.C and the teachers try their level best to make this a renowed educational institution.The website of Jaintiapur Girls High School aims at providing the user with latest information related to what we stand for and how we operate our academic and administrative area. I believe you will enjoy browsing throw this website and know these information available on it in productive manner as per necessity and expectation.
Head Teacher
Jaintiapur Girls High School,
Jaintapur, Sylhet.